First few days.. {Brandon, MS newborn photographer}

When I was preparing for my baby girl to come into the world, I was so excited thinking of all the different photos I’d take of her as a newborn! I knew that I’d only have those first few days to REALLY capture  her as a squishy, cuddly, new baby, and made sure I had everything ready. 🙂

So here are my reasons I’m glad I have photos of her first few days..

Because I always want to remember how cute her soft and spiky hair was right when she was born.

Because I’ll never want to forget how sweetly curled up she like to stay, and how cute her tiny little toes were.

Because it wasn’t that long ago she was in this very same position in my belly, and I don’t want to forget how much she loved it.

Because when she smiles in her sleep, I swear she’s talking to angels.

Because newborn booties are oh so sweet.

Because if I had waited a week later, maybe earlier, I couldn’t have gotten this shot. And it’s one of my favorites. Why? Because it’s my little girl, because her lips are so adorable, because she’s asleep, and because her fingers were crazy long and we didn’t even notice until we saw this picture. Because we love her, and WANT to remember her being this small!

Because she’s not now..

(Miss K at 3 weeks old, wide awake)

Embrace the moment, capture the memories, and I know I am!

P.S. Even though I might have made it seem like she’s graduating from highschool, she’s only 6 weeks old. haha  🙂 What a sweet gift she is.
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